Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Too old for this...

I think that when you hit 30 (and then some), you should be able to openly talk to your friends, especially if you’ve known them a while (like almost all your life). If things are said and you don’t happen to agree, speak up. Discuss. Clarify. Understand. Heck, you can even agree to disagree. If something was said and it hurt your feelings, don’t just shut people out and sulk. The cold shoulder and silent treatment gets old. It really does. At first it makes the other person feel bad. After a while, it just gets frustrating. One can only try so many times.

For person A, I hope the new year brings you more patience. It may take several years (again), but the friendship is worth not giving up on.

For person B, I wish you would grow up and realize that your friends won't always have the patience to deal with your moroseness.


Mai said...

I can relate. Giving the silent treatment is so...juvenile.

amz said...

I know, right? Having to play mediator isn't much better either! haha