Thursday, March 12, 2009


It was the event of the century (literally), and I missed it.

Brent International School Baguio just turned 100 this past weekend. It was the biggest alumni homecoming ever. My years at Brent played an important role in shaping the person that I have become, so the weekend brought much nostalgia. Of course my friends didn’t let me forget that I was missing quite the reunion—e.g., texts/calls/messages from Manang Marie, Peter, and John O. telling me all about the ruckus caused by alumni from the 80’s-90’s…the kind of ruckus that would have gotten us in detention (a.k.a. Friday Afternoon Club). Plus reminiscing on the phone with Ritchie (who didn’t get to go home either) was not helping the homesickness any. Haha. We really (really x 100) wished we could have spent the weekend catching up with friends, faculty, and staff.

I’m glad that my Dad attended the festivities, though. I mean, he put in 25 years of service (and got me through school in the process). He also had a chance to meet up with staff and faculty who have worked with him through the years. In addition, he was giving me a play by play through text messaging about my friends who stopped to talk to him (I’ve received pictures from friends to prove it too!). They all looked so happy. I would’ve been smiling too:). When my friends got up on stage to do a Les Mis sampler, he was so proud of them. He’s known most of these guys since we were kids so he was beaming like a proud Tito. I’m still waiting for a video upload of that performance since he said I just HAVE to see it.

Now that pictures have been posted (and are continually being posted), alumni who didn’t get to go are green with envy. And just to make ourselves feel better about missing the big party, we’re trying to get one organized in the US. Of course I got roped into helping with the committee to see it through. It will not be as grandiose as the one in Baguio, but it’s still going to be worth it just to see friends from back in the day. We have no clue how big or how small this reunion is going to be, but we are determined to make it happen.

The Brent School Song has been playing in my head the whole weekend. Reading the words now, I can’t help but agree. Indeed… “Brent school, though our paths may sever, we will carry thee. Deep within our hearts forever, whereso'er we be… Dear Brent School, though far asunder, we will carry thee. In our hearts where'er we wander, over land or sea…Though we leave thy heights forever, know life's dust and strain. Yet our hearts will lift whenever, we recall again…”

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