Monday, February 04, 2008

rockin' out in MS

After four months, John has finally found people to jam with--two bands, in fact:) First he auditioned for Busted Stuff, an acoustic rock band with a Dave Matthews feel. We watched their gig on a Friday night and John met up with them the next day for a practice run. On Sunday, John's name was officially on the website. Awesome:) Fast forward a couple of weeks and almost the same thing happens. John got a call on Friday from American Sugar, another rock band in town. Apparently their drummer didn't quite work out and they needed a replacement ASAP since they have a number of gigs lined up. John auditioned on Saturday, and again, Sunday, we found his name on their website:) Read their version of the story HERE.

God is good! At least John did not have to wait a full year this time. He is definitely back on the kit. Wooohooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats to john from me!! and lots of love for you both..manhattan and SEM misses ya!