Thursday, June 26, 2008

stage wife...haha

I've always loved going to John's gigs, even when we weren't [officially] a couple yet (which is eons ago. haha). You know how they say that moms who guard their showbiz kids are "stage moms"? Well, I was always the stage friend, turned stage girlfriend, now stage wife. haha.

I'm so excited to share that his rock band (American Sugar) has been signed by a local label. It's a small step, but a step nonetheless. On Friday, they will play at Just One More Blues Bar (intersection of US Hwy 49 North & Hwy 42 West, 5 miles north of the 49-59 intersection). Although their music is really hard rock, they will be performing everything in a blues style--so it'll be toned down quite a bit:) Saturday is the big gig at the Tavern--they will be releasing their CD through South City Records.

I just wish you all could go. Since most of you are not actually here in Hattiesburg, I won't have anyone to rock out with:( I'll take videos and post them after the gigs for you, though!

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