Thursday, August 07, 2008

Four years

Yesterday, John and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary. It’s amazing that time has zipped by as fast as it has. And what a coincidence that I received this in the mail yesterday:


A day that begins with gratitude is a day that you'll be able to fill with positive progress. When you're sincerely appreciative of where you are and what you have, you'll greatly expand your own possibilities.

Begin with a thankful thought. And connect yourself with the abundance that is all around you.

There is always something for which you can be sincerely thankful. And the simple act of being thankful ignites a productive momentum in your world.

By focusing your thoughts on the positive aspects of your life, you cause their influence to grow. Be grateful, and your gratitude happily creates even more things in your life for which you can be grateful.

The appreciation for what you have gives more value to all that you are. The blessings you enjoy are blessings precisely because you see them as such.

Tap into the great reservoir of real value that is already available to you. Live with gratitude, and you'll create even more reasons to be thankful.

-- Ralph Marston


With that in mind

Thank You, Lord for…

…four great years with John (9 counting the pre-wedding years)

…four wonderful years of friendship (17 counting the pre-relationship years)

…a love so understanding that it pulls me through everything I’ve ever had to deal with these past years

…a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, an ear to listen

…someone to laugh with, share my dreams with, build a life with

…my soul mate, my other half, my best friend, my everything.

I am so blessed.


Anonymous said...

hey amz, john, congratulations :). hugs to both of you.

amz said...

Thanks, girl!!

Kai said...

Yes you are so blessed indeed. By Lord himself.

-Lady :P