Monday, September 01, 2008

Tagged by Harvs

In the midst of hurricane Gustav, I am stuck at home with lots of time on my hands. First off, I'm just very thankful that we have not gotten a beating from this storm--even if we do have a tornado warning right now.

Harvs tagged me ages ago, and since I have time goes:

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?

1998 was an interesting year:) I shifted to a different course half-way through college. That meant having to take more classes than a normal (sane) person would if I wanted to graduate with my batch. Basically, 10 years ago, I was just trying to stay afloat. Never mind swimming for survival. I just needed to keep myself above the water! Oh, and I think that year I truly started to appreciate how much fun I was having and how thankful I was that I saw the light. Comp Sci just was not for me--even if it meant I spent most of my free time in the library:)

2. What are the 5 things on my to-do list today?

On a regular day, my to do list is pretty long and detailed (ask any of my friends. I'm a little obsessed with my lists, color coded and all). But since today is a "free" day, I think I can come up with 5. haha

a. Bake a triple berry crisp for dessert
b. Create a scrapbook page (or 2 or maybe several cards)
c. Watch a movie (I'm loving Netflix and being able to watch online..instantly)
d. Finish the novel I started the other night
e. Do a little cleaning around the house

3. Snacks I enjoy:

Goodness, there's a lot of things I enjoy. It depends on my mood, but here's a shortened list: roasted almonds, Japanese rice crackers, Boy Bawang (hahahaha), fruit with cottage cheese, multi-grain chips (but I give in to regular chips once in a while), Chips Ahoy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, fruit smoothies, skyflakes, dried fruit (particularly mango and pineapple), and many more. I miss these too: fishballs, squidballs, turon, isaw, fried lumpia with the spicy vinegar, and "dirty ice cream". hahaha

4. Place where I live:

A comfortable one bedroom apartment in the deep South. hehehe.

5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire

a. Travel with my family. Everyone has worked so hard and I would love to be able to give them a grand and all! I think we'd love to go around the Philippines, Asia, and Europe--particularly Rome (especially for my Dad).
b. Build a home that has a kickin' kitchen, a functional but comfy home office, a rockin' music studio for John, an indoor pool, a nice patio for entertaining, a sun room, a porch attached to the master bedroom--complete with a porch swing for my morning coffee, and a decked out family room. That's just some of the requirements, of course. I'm sure I can think of more. hehehe.
c. Pay off my sibling's houses and cars...and buy my parents a house of their own.
d. Hire a chauffeur so I won't have to drive and I also don't have to rely on John to shuttle me back and forth.
e. Make sure that our kids (in the future, of course) have money saved for their college education and maybe a nest egg for when they venture out on their own--but they won't get any of it until they turn 30 so they first learn to do things for themselves. Probably start a college fund for all my siblings' kids--just to help out, too.
f. Establish a scholarship fund for qualified college students (mga Isko, of course).
g. Donate a spiffy kitchen lab to UP HRA. hahaha
h. Put up a cafe/bistro in Baguio for my cousin and his wife to manage.
i. Invest, invest, invest (So I can actually do a-h without worrying about our kids and family not having enough in the future.)

Not tagging anyone else, but feel free to post your answers too!


ragamuffin girl said...

I totally agree with g! they need one! Or two, or three! :)

amz said...

Haha...sabi ko na you would react to that one eh! How about I'll take care of the kitchen(s), you upgrade the Tea Room? hehehehe.