Thursday, June 19, 2008

this made me giggle

We were having a discussion with some friends today. The mood was a bit serious and I couldn't help busting out laughing when my friend said something I've never heard before. They have a lot of quirky sayings and "Southernisms" that I still have to get used to, but this one takes the cake--or at least a cupcake.

She was talking (only figuratively) about Person A asking Person B about something that Person B probably would not be able to make a logical opinion about (not because Person B was dumb, but just that Person B is no longer capable of making that judgment). Anyway, she said, "That was just ridiculous because Person B has only one brain cell left and it's fighting for a thought!"

I'm gonna need to remember that and use it one of these days...Actually, when I'm stressed at work and I'm trying to write three different projects up all at once, I do feel like I only have one brain cell left and it is all but depleted of any creative juice. hahaha

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