Thursday, June 19, 2008


While I'm on it, I'll share something else I received today. One of my very good friends from college just experienced a big loss and we were discussing it with our barkada through our e-group. Sam's response really made me think and appreciate that I am surrounded by people of faith (kahit na in spirit lang ako surrounded since the barkada is scattered across the globe).

"Sometimes, something or someone realy comes and goes away without a warning at most of the time it hurts us so much! But God has His plans..Always bear in mind that He finds ways of returning what you lost in His Time...and when the right time comes, ay mas prepared na kayo pareho para i-receive yung blessing/s na ibibigay nya sa inyo...Trials come, but they dont stay forever...not unless, of course, if you hang on to them all your life!"

Thanks for the words of wisdom and faith, Sammy!

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